The hearing impaired pupils attending Dalziel High School have moderate to profound hearing loss. We also support young people with Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) In order to maximise their learning, individual and group support is provided by Teachers of the Deaf in mainstream classes with additional tutorials sessions in the Hearing Impaired Department. The level and type of support offered is tailored to the specific needs of each pupil. Our pupils are ensured that they will have every opportunity to enjoy the widest possible range of educational experiences.
Hearing impaired pupils have full access to the mainstream curriculum. Teachers of the Deaf, trained in all aspects of deaf education - including speech and language development - work in conjunction with mainstream staff to maximise each pupil’s potential. The Department uses a natural oral approach, supported by radio aids and the use of Soundfield Speaker Systems in almost every room in the school.
- Mrs Y. Savage (DHT) - HID/Support for Learning)
- Miss P. Airlie
- Mrs L. Dunlevy
- Mrs P. Airlie - PT Inclusion
- H Kellachan (Peripatetic)
- Miss L. Kinstrie - PT Pupil Support
- Mrs A. McDermott
- Mrs L. Niven
- Ms F. Reid
- Mr S. Whiteford
This year we have a total of 19 pupils ranging from S1 to S6. Our pupils are covering the Broad General Education from S1-S3 in a variety of subjects. Our senior pupils are studying subjects from National 4 to Advanced Higher. All pupils receive support across the curriculum and in the Hearing Impaired Department from our Teachers of the Deaf.
In order to support our deaf pupils, the department works in collaboration with various external agencies such as Audiology, Speech and Language Therapy, Psychological Services, Social Work and Skills Development Scotland. We have positive links with deaf agencies such as NDCS, WSDCS, British Deaf Association (Deaf Roots & Pride) and Action on Hearing Loss.
Representatives from Action on Hearing Loss came into the school to speak to our pupils regarding career choices and college courses. This was then built on by a visit to the University of Glasgow’s Careers Event aimed specifically at deaf pupils. We also regularly attend the Taste Your Future days organised by Deaf Roots and Pride. S2 and S4/5 pupils attend these events in order to help with their option choices and career paths. Our S4s were fortunate to receive an invitation to the Scottish Centre for Conflict Resolution (SCCR) Conference as they had been working on Emotions and Conflict. They noticed that the videos had no subtitles. SCCR employed a team to add subtitles and our pupils had a wonderful day at the Conference.
Pupils are involved in all aspects of school life: taking part in School Shows, the Choral Shield, Dragons’ Den Competition, school excursions such as The Belgium & France trip, Poland trip, the S1 visit to London, Blackpool Trip, Pila Ski trip and visits to Westminster the Scottish Parliament.
In addition, our pupils participate in a number of sporting events throughout the school year such as the County Athletics Championships, Cross Country competition, Dalziel Sports Day representing their houses in shot put, javelin, 100m, 200m and the relay. Our pupils are also involved in the Ski/Snowboard club, which takes place in the Glasgow Ski Centre.
Our pupils are also involved in whole school initiatives to promote a positive and inclusive ethos. We have representatives in the year group and whole school Pupil Council Committees and our pupils have been involved in charity events and walks.
Our department and pupils are committed to raising Deaf Awareness within the school. Teachers of the Deaf deliver Deaf Awareness sessions to all S1 pupils and to new staff/supply staff and probationers. This year We have updated our sessions and our S1 and S2 pupils helped to deliver them to S1 classes. We received very positive feedback on how helpful and informative the sessions were.
The Christmas Dances are also very popular where pupils from S1-S6 have a wonderful time with their peers as they Ceilidh dance the night away.
We work very closely with the parents and carers of our deaf pupils to ensure that the individual needs of their children are being met. This is achieved through annual review meetings, target reviews each term for their GIRFme Plan, CSPs, Parents’ Evenings and our own department’s Parent Information/Social Evenings. We value the input from parents and carers and continue to work together as a caring community to ensure a holistic approach to our pupils’ education so that they may thrive and flourish in school and beyond.
Deaf pupils at Dalziel are given the opportunity to participate in an annual Deaf Football Tournament and take part in weekly training sessions in preparation for this.
In the past our pupils were given the opportunity to take part in a Football training camp run by the SFA. The event took place in Toryglen Regional Football Centre and included deaf pupils from all over Scotland. Our pupils were able to hone their skills and we even had some of our novice footballers picking up tips from the trained professionals.
On Friday 14 June 2019 two teams from Dalziel’s HID Department took part in the West of Scotland Deaf Children’s Society’s Annual Football Tournament. The Dalziel Senior team put in a brave performance and came second and were the highest scoring team of the tournament. The Junior Team also performed well, finishing a very respectable sixth. Whilst the weather was not as good as we would have hoped, all pupils were fully involved and made the event a huge success. This year’s tournament has been postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic but we look forward to representing our school when it is rearranged.
Our HID Pupil Voice Committee has now been running for 2 years. From these meetings we voted on renaming the department, introduced a Pupil Passport which details our young peoples’ needs and had our first HID Day Out in Soar, Braehead. Pupils voted to continue with the HID Day Out and to introduce an Outward Bound weekend.
Our pupils have a wide range of achievements including:
- Murning Trophy Award for Discus, Javelin, Shot Put
- Senior Sports Champion
- William Lyall Memorial Prize for Physics
- Morgan Stanley Employability Award
- Mental Health Ambassador
- NDCS Young Campaigners for BSL National Plan and Deaf Awareness · Lisa Richardson Award at the Annual Prizegiving for overcoming obstacles and achieving success
- Endeavour Award for exceptional contribution in Hospitality
- Achieving a Grade 5 on piano and performing at the Parents’ Social Evening
- In the West District Championships achieved a 1st in shot put, 2nd in javelin and 2nd in discus
- Youth Advisor for NDCS
- Pupils of the Month in Technical
- Creating YouTube videos to raise deaf awareness
- Prefects for their respective Houses · Proxime Accessit Award
Within the school there are many opportunities made available to our pupils to socialise and broaden their horizons. The ethos is to promote a nurturing and stimulating environment for them to learn and grow. As a result, our pupils have gained their Duke of Edinburgh Award, attended the Fire Reach initiative, Link college courses, and a careers event that is specifically dedicated to offer a range of information for pupils with Additional Support Needs. The recent STEM Careers Event and talk on Apprenticeships were also popular with our pupils as many wish to seek out careers in these industries. Our Senior pupils have chosen Foundation Apprenticeships as part of their Senior Phase Study which gives them a broader range of information and experience in their chosen career path.
Our senior pupils took part in the annual Ben Nevis Challenge in aid of St Andrew’s Hospice. They prepared by climbing Ben A’an a few weeks before the Ben Nevis climb. The adventurers made it to the top of Ben Nevis in challenging weather conditions.
Our pupils were involved in residential school trips this year. One was the Modern Studies trip to Westminster. The other was the Italy ski trip where one of our S2 pupils learned to ski and skied down a mountain in a snowstorm.
The HI Department are regularly represented at this year’s Choral Shield with an S6 girl in the cast and a former pupil part of the band.
We are delighted all of our S4s completed their Work Experience placements for last session. These took place on a Wednesday afternoon throughout the academic year. Our pupils were at a variety of placements including Glencairn Primary School and the local hospital.
Over the years, deaf pupils at Dalziel have gone on to a variety of positive destinations such as higher education, further education and employment. Currently some of our former pupils are employed in areas such as journalism, Government statistics, pharmacy, furniture making, Software development, sports & leisure and retail. More recently our leavers secured places at University and College to study Childcare, Aero-Mechanical Engineering and Computer Aided Mechanical Engineering. Last year’s S6 cohort are now studying Informatics at Edinburgh University and Law at Glasgow University.
Our pupils’ voices are central to our department’s ethos. As part of our learning community we seek to give all our pupils a voice so that they are involved in the decisions that affect their wellbeing. We seek their views on learning and teaching methods used in our department and ask them to reflect on the past year and what they have enjoyed.
- “Group discussions are really good because we expand our thinking and ideas.”
- “I find it useful going over class work and it helps me when I’ve missed work. I can go over it in HID.”
- “I like the small groups, easy to ask questions and it’s quiet.”
- “We get help with team work.”
- “Help reading book. I feel happy to work writing in my jotter.”
- “I work so well in HID because I learn more new things.”
- “It’s fun! Narrative Stance Dance video or pictures.”
- “HID has helped me become more responsible for myself.”
- “The help I received in HID helped me pass my Higher English”
- “Getting support helped me with the Maths course.”
- “Being able to revise and discuss things I have learned in class helped me to really understand the themes and ideas.”