Customer Service Excellence Award 2017
Once again we are delighted to announce our success with the recent review of the Customer Service Excellence Award.
This year's audit consisted of an inspection covering evidence from a selection of Criterion and also a focused inspection on customer journeys. This was the first year of the new procedures within the Customer Service Excellence audit and so the school chose to focus on pupil journeys; in particular Primary to Secondary Transition and the journey pupils from our Hearing Impaired Department experience. To support evidence of these journeys, various stakeholders participated in a selection of meetings. We have now received the report and it is exceptionally positive with our best results to date. We believe once again that this is a true testament to the work ethic of our staff and the relationships staff have with pupils and parents.
We have retained the Customer Service Excellence Award with no categories marked as only Partial Compliance. For the first time ever 19 Areas of Good Practice were highlighted and we have received 13 Compliance Plus categories ( defined as ' Behaviours or practices which exceed the requirements of the standard and are viewed as exceptional or as an exemplar to others, either within the applicant's organisation or the wider public service arena').
The following comments are a selection from the report:
There continues to be a very strong customer orientation and focus within the School and ‘doing the best for pupils’ and ‘continuous improvement’ were strong themes that emerged during this assessment visit.
There is a clearly articulated and demonstrable commitment from the Rector and the Senior Management Team to putting pupils and parents/ carers at the heart of service delivery and leaders in your organisation actively support this and advocate for customers. This theme emerged from all stakeholders throughout the review. It was clear that numerous processes were in place to review pupil and parent feedback and that wherever possible to be truly customer focused.
You have further developed a strong tutorial system for all pupils and supplement this by staff specialising in assisting pupils with additional support needs. This team would include teaching staff, the home partnership officer and other support staff as well as the wider staff group.
Your ‘nurture’ programme was visited by the Assessor during the visit and he was able to speak with staff and pupils involved. An educational research paper on the work of the Nurture Group has been prepared and published by a staff member in conjunction with an Educational Psychologist colleague.
Your work with Hearing Impaired Pupils includes the development of enhanced transition procedures which incorporates the development of individual pupil videos that are then available to staff. This provides more individualised and detailed insight to staff to support pupils appropriately.
The school is delighted with the report and very proud of all staff, pupils and parents involved in the process.
A copy of the CSE Report can be found below:-
Customer Service Excellence Report - 2017.pdf
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