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Dalziel 125 (1898 - 2023)

Reaching125 years is a significant milestone for any school, but at Dalziel it is extra special as we embrace the chance to celebrate over a century of traditions, memories and memorabilia from the archives. As a school we are proud of our high standards in the classroom but we are equally proud of the extra curricular opportunities on offer to our young people. The arts, sports and events at Dalziel are often talked about long after pupils have left school and the memories are shared and passed on through the generations of Dalzielians.

In 1998 we celebrated our fabulous Centenary year Dalziel High School with trips, performances and special events and this anniversary is going to be no exception.

The 125th anniversary will be celebrated in true Dalziel fashion with:

  • a whole school photograph including all current pupils and staff - Monday 18th March 2024
  • "Dalziel 125 Live" - a festival-style, fun day for pupils at Dalziel Park - Thursday 30th May 2024
  • an exhibition "Dalziel 125 - Walk Down Memory Lane" which will be open to current Dalziel Families and former pupils - Friday 7th June 1.30pm - 3.30pm
  • "Dalziel 125" edition of the Dalzielian which also celebrates 100 years of publication this year
  • "Dalziel 125" podcast consisting of a storybank of Dalziel memories from former pupils and staff (keep an eye out for how to get involved.)

We are also trying to trace a Dalziel family with the longest, continuous attendance at Dalziel High School. Children, parents, grandparents, great grandparents and perhaps even great great grandparents.

If you think this could be your family, do get in touch at the email below. If you have any memories or memorabilia which you think would make an excellent addition to our archives or to present at our Dalziel 125 exhibition, please get in touch at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To celebrate our 125th anniversary, a whole school photo will be taken on Monday 18 March.

All pupils must report to school in full uniform: black trousers/black or tartan skirt, black shoes, a white shirt, school tie and blazer.
This will be the only opportunity for pupils to be part of the photo @ the set times:-

  • P1 - 8.55am - 9.45am
  • P2 - 9.45am - 10.35am
  • Interval - 10.35am - 10.50am
  • P3 - 10.50am - 11.40am
  • P4 - 11.40am - 12.30pm
  • Lunch - 12.30pm - 1.15pm
  • P5 - 1.15pm - 2.05pm
  • P6 - 2.05pm - 2.55pm
  • P7 - 2.55pm - 3.45pm