Science & Technology Fayre 2014

The final of the Dalziel High School Science fayre has been an outstanding success this year with contributions from over 300 pupils from our S1 and the P7's of our associate primary schools.
Pupils have worked very hard this year looking at the relevant science in sports, tying in with this years Commonwealth Games. Pupils projects range from the effects of doping on performance to the construction of a velodrome.
There of course had to be a winners. This years competition was different with two overall winners: One for the Best Presentation and also Best Project.
The winners of Best Presentation were the group looking at psychological difference in the brains of Men vs Women.
Best Project went to the Superskins group, who looked at the effect of different fabrics and materials used in sports and how effective they were for their particular events.
Our 3 associated primaries were well represented with 4-time winners, Glencairn Primary showing off the work they had carried out with Friction and Sport Shoes. Ladywell wowed judges with their Optical Illusions. The winners of the Primary Prize however were Knowtop Primary. The pupils had produced a working model of the Circulatory system with heart, lungs, veins and arteries.
To view the Science & Technology Fayre 2014 Gallery, click Here