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Welcome to the Department of Mathematics at Dalziel High School.

Mathematics has always been regarded as an essential qualification for many career pathways, college courses and university courses. This is because mathematics develops:-

  • logical thinking
  • the application of numeracy and mathematical skills,
  • problem solving,
  • effective communication
  • and the ability to make informed decisions.

Mathematics plays a significant role in the school curriculum as it is a rich and stimulating subject with the capacity to fascinate and engage our young people. The skills which are taught are relevant to many other subjects as well as being vital to people in their everyday lives. Today maths is needed in many jobs and professions including business, science, and engineering.

"Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas"
Albert Einstein

"Number rules the universe and Number is the ruler of forms and ideas"

  • Mr Ryan Early - (Principal Teacher)
  • Mrs Fiona Conboy - (Depute Head Teacher)
  • Mr Gary Withey
  • Mr Stevie Agnew
  • Mrs Jackie Donnachie
  • Mr Kenny MacLellan
  • Miss Aileen Maguire
  • Mrs Julie Moran
  • Mrs Emma Brophy

Pupils follow a broad general education during S1-3.

Pupils in the senior phase have the opportunity to study:-

  • National 3 Applications of Mathematics
  • National 4 Mathematics
  • National 5 Numeracy
  • National 5 Applications of Mathematics
  • National 5 Mathematics
  • Higher Mathematics
  • Advanced Higher Mathematics

Additional study materials can be found at

Pupils can ask their class teachers for the username and password to these websites.