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Careers Adviser

Welcome to the Careers Service at Dalziel High School.

Your School Careers Adviser is Alistair Gilmour

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During the school year, pupils will have the opportunity to meet with the school Careers Adviser at class talks, small group sessions, one-to-one interviews or at the Career Clinic on Monday to Friday lunch times.

How can the Careers Adviser help me?

Careers Interviews

The school Careers Adviser is based in school in the Upper Library on Monday to Friday. Pupils can request to meet with the Careers Adviser through pupil support in school.

A careers interview is a confidential one to one discussion which helps pupils develop career management skills and make well informed decisions about their career pathways in the future.

Career Clinics

These are held every Monday to Friday, during the lunch break within the Careers Library, and offer all pupils the chance to ‘drop in’ and have career-related questions answered.

My World of Work

Click Here to visit My World of Work