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Design & Technology

Design and technology is an area of study that focuses on planning, designing and creating things (called "products") which people use.

The world around us has been shaped by those that use the skills developed though Design and Technology subjects.

  • Mr. K. O'Hagan – Principal Teacher
  • Mr. G. Ward
  • Mrs. D. Whitelaw
  • Mr M. Thomson - Technician

Graphic Communication - The course is practical, exploratory and experiential in nature. It combines elements of creativity and communicating for visual impact with elements of protocol and an appreciation of the importance of graphic communication standards. Through graphic communication you will learn the use of CAD, Desk Top Publishing and technical engineering drawings in order to communicate effectively with difference audiences.

Design and Manufacture - The course provides a broad and practical experience in product design and manufacture. Creativity is at the heart of this course and its combination with technology makes it exciting and dynamic. Students learn to design with consideration of their target market and get to see their designs come to life by making prototypes of their solutions.

Practical Woodwork – This course provides a very practical experience in woodwork manufacture, learning about the hand tools, machine tools and techniques required to make products from wood. Students pick up theory along the way and this course gives students the chance to develop their analysis skills, problem solving and their manual dexterity.

Click the download link below to access the S2 Options Choice PDF File:-

BGE - Through S1 and S2 pupils will gain experience in all of the subject that we offer to our senior pupils to study at exam level. Students go through units of work including Freehand sketching and Technical Board work, 3D modelling and printing, product design and manufacture and engineering principals.

You can follow us on Twitter so see examples of pupils’ work and keep following the department’s progress.

Supported Study
The following support is offered by the Design and Technology Department:

  • Monday and Wednesday 3.45-5.00pm Supported Study for S4,5/6
  • Supported study is also available on request at lunchtimes and after school

There are a number of software programmes that you will learn how to use including Auto Desk Inventor for CAD, Serif Affinity for Desk Top Publishing and Microsoft Office 365 for processing and presentations.

All of these are available for free through your class teacher.